Wanda Music presents Hobart Ocean 2016 Taipei Concert
Hobart Ocean is an American Pop/Rock band comprising of vocalist and rhythm guitarist Travis Leonard, who also starred on CMT's popular show Sweet Home Alabama, lead guitarist and backing vocalist Steven Hopkins, and drummer Sean Kreisberg, who was the star drummer of the Nickelodeon's show Big Time Rush band. Their first chart topping single "Another Heartbreak" was released in the fall of 2014 and was instantly picked up by over a dozen Top 40 pop radio stations. As their single climbed radio charts domestically they were invited by pop idol Aaron Carter, brother of Backstreet Boy's Nick Carter, to join him on his tour the Aaron Carter's Wonderful World Tour. Coming fresh off from touring lead singer Travis Leonard was immediately offered to serve as official spokesperson to headlined a U.S. based promotional campaign for Yeo’s, a globally renowned multi-national corporation and drink manufacturer based in Singapore. Travis Leonard’s image was prominently featured on the company’s drinks in stores across North America and in Asia, as well as on the Yeo's U.S. and Canada delivery trucks. The trio has been hard at work performing concerts and fan meetings to promote their widely anticipated debut album scheduled for release through Universal Music Group's distribution network for North America and Sony Music Entertainment's distribution network in Latin America. For more information about Hobart Ocean visit their website at www.HobartOcean.com and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/HobartOcean
演出日期:2016/6/10 (五)
演出地點:誠品表演廳Eslite Performance Hall
啟售時間:2016/4/20 (三) 中午12點整
票 價:NTD$1,888 / NTD$1,588 / NTD$1,288
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